In all, the teams played five three-day matches, two of which were won by each side with one drawn.
That decision doomed the three-day match to an almost certain draw.
The game was scheduled as a three-day match, but rain made no play possible on the first day.
There is still a strong case for continuing with at least some three-day matches on uncovered pitches.
Although scheduled as a three-day match, it was soon clear that it would not last the course.
The three-day match between the sides ended in a draw.
Pilch himself played for the Kent side, which lost by 32 runs on the second day of the three-day match.
Ireland had hoped for a three-day match but this was not possible.
Originally these were three-day matches, but since 1985 most have been played over four days.
The Afghan team was expected to play four three-day matches during its 18-day visit.