Power to the mass detector dipped as groundside energy guns fired automatically on the threatening object.
Information on the physical structure will help defining efficient mitigation strategies against a potential threatening object.
It was the opposite of the black band; instead of absorbing or deflecting threatening objects, it made the wearer a dangerous force.
This urchin is light sensitive and can angle its spines towards an approaching threatening object.
Since any threatening object would probably make hundreds of near passes in a wide orbit before it hit the Earth dead on, there should be decades of warning.
Advanced warning would probably come decades in advance of any collision, the team said, since a threatening object would make hundreds of near passes before its course exactly intersected Earth's.
An asteroid discovered just weeks ago has become the most threatening object yet detected in space.
One type of neurons (TH3) is activated by large threatening objects, especially those ones that are extended perpendicularly to the direction of motion.
If unable to tell decoys from warheads, a defender would be forced to fire interceptors at every threatening object, quickly exhausting a defensive force.
The efficacy of millimeter wave scanners in detecting threatening objects has been questioned.