Of all things, I dare not draw his interests to your land to threaten the industry of your cities.
This month, a law was enacted in Maine threatening the pharmaceutical industry with price controls.
The advent of the television could have threatened the industry, but Shea used it to his advantage.
The project could threaten the huge private industry that has grown by selling public documents.
Many securities professionals credit him with saving them from a slew of back-office and modernization problems that threatened the industry when he took office.
Flynn, of Farmers, says the verdict (which the judge has sent to mediation) threatens not only the company but also the entire industry.
Cuts threaten the solar industry, plus why women are key to climate change action.
At the same time, national and even international controversy threatened the industry from the beginning.
Most credit counseling agencies say they welcome the scrutiny, and many have complained specifically about AmeriDebt, saying its practices threaten the entire industry.
Some of them argued that it would be difficult for the W.T.O. to untangle government support from either company without threatening the industry.