The name also caused controversy because it was used without permission from the SCCA, who threatened suit.
The Ninth Circuit recently held that Noerr-Pennington also protects against RICO Act claims when a defendant has sent thousands of demand letters threatening suit.
Ms. Bane said her action was not a response to Legal Aid's threatened suit, but to the surging number of families stuck in city offices.
They'd cajole at first, then threaten suit if Johnny was not pulled from "that teacher's classroom."
When all seemed to be going well, Delta Sigma Theta (a sorority) threatened suit against the fraternity for use of their name.
Note included at the request of the owner of the Ground Forces Play Club who threatened suit against the publishers unless corrected.
Ravel's estate threatened suit against both the James Gang and ABC Records for its unauthorized use.
They are threatening suit for that amount against the Public Facilities District, the public agency that owns the stadium.
Initially, the Los Angeles Architectural Commission was so unhappy with the facade and the decor that they threatened suit.
The magazine jealously fights commercial use of its content and protects its independence, threatening suit against manufacturers who cite its ratings for their products.