"The damage inflicted on young Hispanics today threatens society tomorrow."
Crime was determined not as the infraction of law, but as any action which could threaten the Soviet state and society.
Neither threatens society as a whole because of the relative rarity of the event.
Are we barreling down a runaway route toward climatic catastrophe, or will the future bring relatively benign changes that will not threaten society?
The high immigration rate and the lack of integration threatened society, and must be stopped.
For if a shared morality is necessary in this sense, then anything which threatens it also threatens society, and the law may therefore be used to protect it.
But few researchers doubt that most of these children will have mental, emotional and social deficits that will harden their lives and threaten society.
"The charges also show the reach of the worldwide terrorist network threatening civilized society."
Finally, in discussing the subject of tourist protection, thought must also be given to eradicating the types of tourism which threaten society.
Once they had solved the ecological problems that had threatened human society, they phased themselves out.