This number should only be used for non life threatening situations.
When an attachment has been formed, there is a person the baby can turn to in threatening situations.
This is a very friendly breed and it normally avoids and flees from threatening situations.
Dreamers experience a "selective simulation of the world" biased towards threatening situations.
This heightened ability to distinguish odors seems to be involved in their hypersensitivity to threatening situations.
Cohen et al. (1983) claim that people immediately assess their own personal resources before responding to threatening situations.
When in threatening situations, macaques will emit a single loud, high-pitched sound called a "shrill bark".
The human nervous system responds to threatening situations by releasing a deluge of chemicals into the bloodstream.
Before winter finally set in, the camp went through a period of disturbances-anxieties, uncertainties, confused, threatening situations, and a number of weird incidents.
Big Dipper seemed tickled by the idea of placing friendly characters in vaguely threatening situations.