Natira wants to believe the party, but the Oracle threatens severe punishment if the party members are found to be enemies.
They claimed he was killed in battle with Israel and threatened severe punishment to anyone repeating the allegation of execution.
Power threatens severe punishment, such as jail or loss of job.
This chapter invokes the Council's power to demand compliance of member countries on certain matters and threaten punishment if they refuse.
Many officers have laid down the law, threatening severe punishment to any soldier caught brewing bootleg alcohol.
The policy also threatens punishment for franchises that repeatedly sign problem players.
By threatening religious punishment, the Cardinal seeks to employ his unusual power to interfere in the legislative process.
He threatened the players with excommunication, or very severe punishment, and 100 grounds of fine.
The king accused Niikolas of treason and threatened severe punishment.
Authorities threatened "merciless punishment" for any person who violated the rules of the currency change.