However, unscrupulous Runelords can threaten a potential dedicate's friends and family to force cooperation.
Every petty nation will seek to obtain nuclear weapons, legally and illegally, in order to threaten both its friends and enemies.
Wallie swung around, and now he had to threaten his friends to defend their enemies.
Our second goal is to prevent regimes that sponsor terror from threatening America or our friends and allies with weapons of mass destruction.
Now, Mikami only appears when various people threaten her and her friends.
He couldn't let people get away with threatening his friends and business partners, or he'd end up without any of either.
Threatening her friends, he sends Zoheret over to get supplies.
The Freemen began threatening their friends and relatives around the small community of Jordan, officials say.
Still I hesitated, unable to launch myself at the horror that threatened my friends.
Janae threatens his new friends and becomes obsessed with the idea of having children.