Puzzo lives in an expensive hotel, where he doesn't hesitate to threaten employees with his pistol in case something isn't to his liking.
Given an adequately broad agreement, a company may threaten employees who try to leave for competitors (or in some cases, non-competitors) with legal action.
The demonstrators threatened Young's wife and employees.
Although the case did not involve criminal charges, the abortion foes were accused of threatening employees and patients at the abortion clinic.
People who blockade clinics or threaten employees or patients may be fined or imprisoned.
The men threatened employees and customers with a shotgun and a pistol, but no one was harmed during the robbery, the police said.
Investigators are also looking into accusations that White House officials threatened employees of a contractor if they disclosed that the messages were missing.
Seven young men were arrested on robbery charges yesterday after they threatened employees and snatched merchandise from three Madison Avenue stores, the police said.
Great - we can threaten employees with the sack, without their having redress.
They note that no Government agency has ever said contamination from the lab had threatened employees or neighbors' health.