The new detention was also condemned by President Bush, though he stopped short of threatening Iraq or setting any deadline for the inspectors' release.
Henderson showed the Truman administration how such movements threatened Turkey, Iraq, and the Iranian oil fields.
In recent weeks, Israeli officials, using strong language, have been threatening Iraq with harsh retaliation.
Yet, though President Bush threatened Iraq before the war there, he has said almost nothing about the possibility of resorting to military action in Iran.
"I see no need for American forces to remain in Iraq because no external forces threaten Iraq."
The full impact of those cuts came to bear on global markets near the end of summer, just as the Bush administration began to threaten Iraq with war.
But he stopped short of threatening Iraq with larger strikes if it continued to threaten American or British forces.
When the United States pulled its allies together a week ago to threaten Iraq over antiaircraft missiles, a barrel of oil cost $19.37.
First, Poland also sees itself as threatened by terrorism and views Iraq as part of that threat.
Iran is threatening Iraq.