And now we threaten Iran... £1.
Every time the United States has threatened Iran, he said, hard-liners have intensified their crackdown.
Other than its response to Iran's threats against Israel, Israel has never threatened Iran in any way.
Nor is the administration threatening Iran, which is trying to develop nuclear weapons but is caught up in an internal debate over its policy toward the West.
In terms of true security, the United States gains little by threatening Iran.
Israel has been the one that has always threatened Iran and other nations in the area.
Mr. Kharrazi said the Americans should stop threatening Iran and trying to interfere in its internal affairs.
"Don't use this as a pretext to pressure and threaten Iran."
Furthermore, the more the West threatens Iran, the more it boosts radical forces in Iran.
That meeting agreed a joint text, threatening Iran only with further, undefined "steps" if it did not compromise on uranium enrichment.