Those threats have dissipated, but the momentum behind a "soaring" memorial, as Mr. Giuliani put it, has not.
But many independent military analysts said they thought that the threat of two simultaneous large wars had dissipated.
Two years later, threats, ultimatums and torrid public meetings have dissipated into the palmetto trees.
But Wall Street expects that threat to eventually dissipate.
People are patriotic and then fall back into their own lives after a threat dissipates.
At Georgetown, as the threat of Daddy's violence dissipated, then disappeared, I had been more able to live one coherent life.
The mouse, seeing his threat has dissipated, escapes and grabs a lamp cord for Tom to trip on.
Even though PCB levels are declining in the water and some fish, the agency has decided that the threat is not dissipating fast enough.
The threat however soon dissipated and the East India Company subsequently refused to support, or embark, the regiment.
It was not until Hitler's Directive 21 was issued, on 18 December 1940, that the threat of invasion finally dissipated.