There is much we can do now to be able to respond to whatever threats confront our communities in the future, be they anthrax, smallpox or bioterrorism in a form we have not yet imagined.
Her training has prepared her for moving stealthily into hostile territory and neutralizing whatever threats may confront her.
More urgent threats confront us below.
No such imminent threat confronts the Social Security trust fund as a result of Congressional action taken in 1983.
The threats confront both countries: There are 6,000 United States soldiers and 50,000 American civilians in Saudi Arabia.
Both the major reallocating of state aid the bill would require and Ms. Morheuser's threat of the lawsuit compound problems already confronting local school-budget officers.
But what about the existing threat confronting our communities, the one that the EDL thugs are attempting to confront in their own violent and misguided way.
The text is also useful in that it provides a more precise (although specialized) definition of the concept: "any cognitive situation in which the threat of inconsistency confronts us" (1).
Officials say the Bush Administration's blunt threat to cut off financial support for the W.H.O. has confronted many developing countries with a painful choice between support for the P.L.O. and the loss of badly needed medical assistance.
The greatest threats to our world need confronting, and practical and workable solutions need to be found.