That threat, aimed at legitimate companies unconnected to mobsters, is Red Queen justice - verdict first, trial afterward.
Mr. Bush was also asked about his planned missile defense system, which many Chinese see as a threat aimed at neutralizing their own nuclear forces.
The one way he was sure of controlling the high-spirited girl was through threats aimed at her beloved uncle.
The song contains subliminal threats aimed at critics who are against Mshasho and GreenHouse.
Seven knew that was a threat aimed directly at her.
According to Schelling, deterrence is merely a passive threat aimed at keeping an adversary from acting.
I answer these questions myself: Because it is a blatantly indiscriminate, angry, racially motivated threat aimed at a contrived target.
Some Camorra members preferred to make threats aimed at D'Alessio's nose, legs, tongue, and hands.
It is a threat aimed at the very essence of Islam and Arab identity in a way Israel never was.
At the moment there is no direct threat aimed at foreigners, but there has been looting and gunfire.