I once would have agreed with that, but reading threads here regarding sexual assault has made me think otherwise.
His energy swirled over me like a thread of hot air that closed my throat, made it hard to breathe.
A single thread of light made its way from a lamp in his living room, giving her pale cheek a soft glow.
I hear the sound her thread makes behind me as it is pulled through the work.
This thread has made me feel obliged to register and post for the first time ever.
The long threads that undulated around her tentacles made me think of earthworms.
The marriage also apparently snapped Ted's last thread to David, though he would make later requests for money.
Honestly, those threads, even the funny one, made a subscription sound less appealing to me.
And, this whole thread makes me miss Next Gen that much more.
The hard thread and tight weave made the woven plaque feel slick.