The emphasis is not on what harm they might do to others, but on how their thoughtless behavior might diminish their own careers and cloud the image of the N.F.L.
The factor is associated with rudeness, thoughtless and antisocial behaviour, vengefulness, quick temper and impatience.
Carmel despairs over his thoughtless behaviour and criminal antics, but he ignores her and she regularly takes over caring for his two young children.
Despite his care, some rumors have always surrounded him, and his thoughtless behavior on the night of his betrothal announcement scarcely helped quell them.
However, another part of him remained stubbornly opposed to Archangel's thoughtless behavior.
A hasty decision, greed and/or thoughtless behavior, the individual acts in an impulsive fashion.
Feeling guilty for his thoughtless behavior, Stifler convinces the local florist to put together a new batch of flowers, and he enlists the help of his football players and Bear.
A notable quality of the series is that although there can be differences of opinion and occasional instances of antisocial or thoughtless behaviour, there are no villains or disagreeable characters.
Love makes their seemingly thoughtless and callous behavior seem credible.
He was just, I thought, working out his resentment over my (admittedly) thoughtless behavior during our previous contact.