This thoughtful and provocative book is much better than its title suggests.
It's a thoughtful book that policymakers, members of the military, and anyone interested in this part of the world could benefit from reading.
Two thoughtful new books grapple with the drug problem in more mature ways.
Why they were wrong before but may be discomfitingly correct now is the subject of this thoughtful book.
This entertaining and thoughtful book shows there was much to admire.
Most readers of this thoughtful and highly entertaining book will be moved by her journey.
Brock Cole has achieved just that with this good and thoughtful book.
So this would be a good time for a thoughtful book providing a vigorous defense of the administration and the case for war.
A much more thoughtful book than either of the ones we are considering.
Yet it is a scary book, action-packed, well written and even thoughtful at times.