But a significant development turned their film into a thought-provoking story.
Prices: James Bond Movies Last Stand A poignant, thought-provoking story illustrating that relationships and bonds can be formed between people from different backgrounds and beliefs.
He tells a unique and thought-provoking story, and take a close look at the riverine maps before you start reading it.
The Mouse and His Child was a surprisingly moving and thought-provoking story, encompassing powerful themes of redemption and transformation.
It's a thought-provoking story for children whose caretakers may deeply miss other children living far, far away.
And finally, The Mistress of Nothing tells an interesting and thought-provoking story about the servant of an aristocrat and their intersection with Egyptian culture.
This cliché has been hailed as an improvement, which bodes ill for the future of thought-provoking stories in action games.
A punchy, thought-provoking story, whether 'serious' or 'comic' is the key to a shorts strengths.
"Glago's Guest" follows the intriguing and thought-provoking story of a lonely Russian soldier stationed in a remote Siberian outpost.
He chose the role, despite his apprehension about filming a love scene with co-star Paul Freeman, because he thought it was a lovely and thought-provoking story.