Mr. Cavanagh's own strange thoughts seem inappropriate to the situation but reflect the confusion.
She looked in the Drenarian's eyes, and she was all but certain she could see this same thought reflected there.
"We've won ball games with it," said Ryan, who maintained that the thought reflected a creative aggressiveness that he supported.
His thoughts, what Eduin could sense of them, reflected only concern.
His mouth frames a smile that neither his eyes nor thoughts reflect as he recalls Kadara's words.
A crafty thought reflected in her face.
Our thoughts, everyday routines and even our dreams reflect the son of society in which we live.
Some of the women memorized her poems, whose thoughts, perhaps, reflected their own.
Positive thoughts and emotions reflect in each work, also in painting.
Such thoughts reflect decent, humane reactions to the sometimes disturbed drama played out on the courtroom stage.