The operator's thoughts evaporated with the buzz of an inside line on his switchboard.
But rational thought evaporates when you think you are drowning.
Those thoughts probably evaporated after about six batters, when the Marlins took at 4-0 lead.
The thought of running for cover upon seeing him had crossed her mind but had evaporated just as quickly.
Gambling lifted him out of depression, he said, and thoughts about his debts evaporated.
By the end of the season, Bourke's thoughts about returning to the bush had evaporated.
Even his thoughts of revenge on the merchant's son evaporated.
The thought, however, evaporated almost before it had formed.
All thought of the recriminations she was going to level at her lover had evaporated on this news.
For a moment he thought it had been different, but the thought evaporated in the heat.