In the Gulf, to the Navy's intense embarrassment, the American fleet was thoroughly spooked by the lowest-technology weapons possible -floating mines not much different from those used in the Civil War.
Nguyen was by now thoroughly spooked.
The glance over his shoulder as he moved off was thoroughly spooked.
The horses were thoroughly spooked by this time, and when we released them they galloped away, alerting the guards.
We're both thoroughly spooked now!
By this point the others are thoroughly spooked.
The community tries to digest the mystery through the usual means, but it remains unassimilated, and the townspeople (and the reader) are thoroughly spooked.
Dean's caution had thoroughly spooked her, and she no longer trusted the security of her own phone line.
She would be thoroughly spooked by a cop.
The more we talked, the more I realized that Block was thoroughly spooked.