The novel is primarily set in Greenwich Village, and is thoroughly saturated with psychedelic and 1960s counterculture elements.
We've gone over fifty thousand miles in this ship now, and in that time I suppose the sheathing has become thoroughly saturated.
My orderly officer reported that the Tiger battalion had been thoroughly saturated by the heaviest American bombers.
Julie noted that the shirt had been thoroughly saturated with blood, not merely spotted.
Contractors should also use a wet removal process, she said, in which the insulation is thoroughly saturated, scooped out and then double bagged for disposal.
The resultant dough was baked into flat cakes, soaked in maple syrup until they were thoroughly saturated, then dried in the sun.
A wooden vat was constructed so that when water was added, the soil in the vat became thoroughly saturated.
I'd been far too thoroughly saturated for them to think I'd gotten in such a state merely from dragging Edmond around.
During submersion, the paper fibres become thoroughly saturated with sizing.
"Poaching your pears this way guarantees they will never overcook and yet they become thoroughly saturated with the wine," she said.