Customers were rare, and the pro was thoroughly occupied.
Tonight, however, his insomnia was caused by a mind thoroughly occupied with planning an important task.
She wanted to keep Justin/Earth thoroughly occupied for the rest of the day and night.
Oh there was plenty to keep the most phobic mind thoroughly occupied for many busy hours of insomnia.
Then after a gathering pause,we swiftly and thoroughly occupied most of our neighboring worlds, too.
The Spanish were thoroughly occupied in 'pacifying' the Maya of the western half of the Iz'a state through the 18th century.
He glanced over at Kara, who was thoroughly occupied by the music cube and paying them no attention.
Although, she wondered if her worry was unnecessary considering Genie's mind had been thoroughly occupied with other pursuits.
Letitia Landon once noted that no thoroughly occupied man was ever yet very miserable.
The Mongols first occupied and thoroughly plundered the territories east of the river Danube.