To the contrary-they were his future enemy, and an enemy he despised thoroughly.
No one have I yet found who more thoroughly despised himself: even THAT is elevation.
And he even more thoroughly despised the northern nobles who backed Geoffrey.
You know there are moments, Spender, when I thoroughly despise you.
Although I opposed the appointment of Clarence Thomas to the Supreme Court, he is not a man whom I "thoroughly despise."
He now thoroughly despised himself--a satisfyingly familiar feeling, at least.
All during this time he was wholly dependent on the philanthropy of his father, who was toiling away in "Monte Cristo," and whom, he apprised everyone, he thoroughly despised.
Alix could not have afforded this solution, and would have thought it cheating had she been able to afford it, although she thoroughly despised herself for these scruples.
He thoroughly despised the kahins, whose oracles were usually unintelligible mumbo-jumbo and was always very careful to distinguish the Koran from conventional Arabic poetry.
Petipa thoroughly despised Kschessinskaya, referring to her as " ... that nasty little swine" in his diaries and commenting that local critics should beat her, rather than give her any compliments.