It was she who gave him a thorough wash and carefully groomed his coat.
This gained greater acceptance and publicity through the decision to allow Rally Australia to operate along services roads provided that the vehicles had a thorough wash including the under carriage at the end of each stage.
It's hardly the maist extensive or thorough wash ah've had, but it's aw ah can stand.
Mixed in were ghost traces of everyone shorn by the cutters since their last thorough wash.
They had been too heavy to move, and Trestle remembered telling the students that a thorough wash would probably do them good.
Almost wishing that he could submerge himself, Creslin contents himself with a thorough wash and shave.
The final details were handled; cord cut, child given a more thorough wash and wrapped in lamb's wool.
I read up the books and proceeded to treat him, taking care afterwards always to use a thorough antiseptic wash.
I celebrated its advent by a thorough wash and shave.
They had lighted oil-lamps at the base of the object; one of them had painted the ом-symbol on its upraised tip; they were chanting prayers as they gave the tetrapod a thorough and worshipful wash.