The scientist in her couldn't accept even this most joyful turn of events, not without a thorough explanation.
But Chinese leaders still have not honored a months- old Administration request for a thorough private explanation.
Clarke, on the other hand, wrote thorough explanations of "cause and effect" for the events in the novel.
I requested a more thorough explanation of the free weight routines.
We have a most complete and thorough explanation, and we know what course to take.
For a more thorough explanation, please refer to the main Pinyin article.
I do not think a "good"/thorough universal explanation exists.
There is an outline that you can customize for your business, with thorough explanations of what should be included in each section.
A thorough explanation under each menu item is helpful.
The reasons for these behaviors is faitly complicated; ask again if you want a more thorough explanation.