They encountered more weeds in the bar-room, some of whom (being thirsty souls as well as dirty) were pretty stale in one sense, and pretty fresh in another.
I've dreamed so often of you, only to wake in the morning, abandoned, my life dark, my soul thirsty.
For yours will be a thirsty soul.
It's in verse nine, he says For he satisfies the thirsty soul.
It is said that the hungry and thirsty sinful souls drink the blood flowing in the river.
A vinegary face has Mrs Miff, and a mortified bonnet, and eke a thirsty soul for sixpences and shillings.
During the festival you will find water pots placed on the roadsides to help the thirsty souls.
Let us help it open its generous inner parts to our souls thirsty for the good and the beautiful.
He was naturally a thirsty soul, and was soon tempted to repeat the draught.
He returns this afternoon, and I have sent on your letter to await his arrival, knowing as I do that it will be to him like cold water to a thirsty soul.