Recent third-quarter reports indicated that profits are continuing at a record level.
The stock fell $1.02, or 6 percent, to $15.39 in trading on Monday on concerns that the third-quarter report would include news of large losses.
A big client, Enron, looked as if it was going to have some serious difficulties with its third-quarter report, the partner said.
Avon's third-quarter report is due at the end of next month.
In their third-quarter reports, a number of banks discussed at length their efforts to pare costs.
He said the profit from the transaction would be reflected in Chrysler's third-quarter financial report as a one-time gain.
"Further appreciation will continue to have a detrimental impact on future earnings," the company said in its third-quarter report.
The company filed its third-quarter report after the stock market closed.
Over the summer, the number of customer accounts increased by 54 percent, to 940,000 in September, according to the company's third-quarter financial report.
"We must show strength in the third-quarter financial report."