The story of Markham Sutherland is presented through letters, journals, and the third-person account of the novel's supposed editor, Arthur.
In 1752, Franklin published a third-person account of his pioneering kite experiment in the The Pennsylvania Gazette, without mentioning that he himself had performed it.
Maas was never permitted to publish his edition of Valachi's original memoirs, but he was allowed to publish a third-person account based upon interviews he himself had conducted with Valachi.
Her search, told in the first person, is blended with a third-person account of the lives of Amanda and her contemporaries in the 1920s.
Return to the Whorl alternates between the narrator's first-person adventures on his way home and a third-person account of his travels on the Whorl, which he visited after Green.
Even though most third-person accounts are told in past tense, they feel quite immediate.
This brief story begins with a third-person account of the arrival of a mysterious inventor to the peaceful Welsh town of Llyddwdd.
The following extract from Takahara's third-person narrative account describes what happened after the Kittyhawk was sighted:
The book is a third-person account of dinosaurs during the Cretaceous Period, told from the point of view of Raptor Red, a female Utahraptor.
The first is a conventional, remote third-person account of plain facts, the events that can be reconstructed without conjecture, more or less.