Solo would mainly depend on word of mouth, its own website and third-party retailers to promote its products.
One of the problems in achieving relationships with third-party retailers is the presence of Gateway's own retail outlets.
At the same time, Apple, which traditionally has relied on third-party retailers, has fared well going directly to consumers on its Internet store.
In the late 1970s, ROW began to distribute recorded music for third-party retailers in Canada.
This retail arrangement eliminates the middleman, the fickle third-party retailer.
Gateway directly and indirectly sold its products to third-party retailers, consumers, businesses, government agencies, and educational institutions.
He helped launch the transformation of from a retailer into a retail platform, enabling third-party retailers to sell on's website.
That sum does not include research and development, shipping or, with a third-party retailer, the wholesale discount.
Since then, the company has enlisted companies like the Gap as third-party retailers.
The former is window dressing, the latter will be a worry for any third-party retailers using PayPal - quite possibly including eBay.