They are operated by third-party medical providers who rent space from the company, much like hair salons or banks do.
The reason I bring it up is that I can see a problem with third-party providers of content to a page, for example advertising sites.
Some third-party providers that set up gift card systems see it a bit differently, however.
An open interface makes it possible to integrate additional reporting systems by third-party providers.
There are many third-party providers in operation in the United States.
The credit card industry is organized so that many of a bank's important functions are contracted out to third-party providers.
And we do see that third-party providers are late to the party.
Rather, it is a new contract provided a third-party provider.
They usually operate as tied agents and sell exclusively the products manufactured by the bank's in-house insurance company or its third-party provider(s).
"Paying patients and third-party providers would, in effect, subsidize charity care."