To create a cost-effective alternative to those companies products, Estridge realized that it would be necessary to rely on third-party hardware and software.
Several firms also have software capable of accepting and repurposing (if needed) content from multiple applications and integrating with third-party hardware and software.
These MIDI controllers don't come with hundreds of preloaded sounds and effects because they generate all of their audio through third-party hardware and software.
Operating systems like Windows are extremely complex and have to be written to accommodate hundreds of third-party hardware and software products.
Phase5 Digital Products is a defunct German computer hardware manufacturer that developed third-party hardware primarily for the Amiga platform.
A number of MathWorks and third-party hardware and software products are available for use with Simulink.
(The PS2 version can only be unlocked with inexpensive third-party hardware like the Action Replay MAX.)
"It took our news editor, a smart guy who works with games for a living, the better part of a full day to make this work, and even that required third-party hardware."
This has limited the freedom of users to mix-and-match third-party hardware and software.
You can use your Apple TV (or compatible third-party hardware) to stream video content from the NYTimes app.