It must also pay up to $18 million to a third-party contractor, approved by the agency, to oversee the proper cleanup of the contaminated site.
Johnston & Murphy branded products are manufactured by independent, third-party contractors.
So Ms. Jackson hired a team to work with the third-party contractors that handled the order-taking and package delivery.
"What the court did here, though, was it treated the managing agent like a third-party contractor that could be sued for negligence."
The F.A.A. rules make the airline responsible for maintenance work performed by third-party contractors.
PIA Building also has a ticketing facility, but only for PIA staff, their dependents, and authorised third-party contractors.
Agricore owned or leases three distribution warehouses, and supported the sale of crop nutrition and protection products by providing custom application services directly or through third-party contractors.
However third-party contractors and casual staff were typically not unionised.
These services are operated by third-party contractors.
A growing trend in the pharmacology field involves the use of third-party contractors to obtain the required comparator compounds.