In 2011, China was estimated to be the third-largest supplier of pharmaceuticals in the world.
Today Microwave Power is the third-largest supplier of amplifiers to those fields.
The company, the third-largest supplier of industrial gases, said that earnings for its 1998 fiscal year would be less than expected because of slower domestic sales.
The company, the Pentagon's third-largest supplier last year, with sales of $4.9 billion, provides the military everything from light bulbs to radar.
The United States was the third-largest supplier of imports to Brunei in 1998.
Russia was still the third-largest supplier in 1994, after the United States and Britain.
Brockway, the nation's third-largest supplier of glass, plastic and metal containers, is based in Jacksonville, Fla.
Tenet responded: "Sir, obviously, Venezuela is important because they're the third-largest supplier of petroleum.
Virginia, for example, the third-largest supplier of out-of-state crime guns in 1997, now ranks seventh.
If successful, Rexel will become the third-largest supplier in North America, up from fifth-largest.