When asked why he thinks his relationship had changed with the press between the first and the second year, he said, "Winning changes everything."
Vaughn said he did not think his relationship with Easler would cause a predicament.
Or if you are able to be a little braver, try a more personal question such as "How do you think our relationship is going?"
"I don't think my relationship with management can be repaired."
More than half responded "never" when asked how often during the past year they thought their relationship was in trouble.
She had always thought the marquis's relationship with a blacksmith strange.
He'd never have let me return to Russia if he'd thought my relationship to him might become public knowledge.
Every time she'd thought their relationship had reached its nadir, it sank a little lower.
I think my relationship with the mayor improved after that.
I thought our working relationship had been a good one.