How swiftly things disintegrated when they started going wrong.
With a pop and flash, the thing disintegrated, but he didn't feel like he'd done enough.
He needed an individual who could tell him and could bring them together, fast, before things disintegrated.
The thing would disintegrate if not handled with care.
They would move until apart of every ring hit the planet and the whole thing would disintegrate.
I was flabbergasted at the speed with which things were disintegrating, and felt it would be harmful to take sides.
The whole line stopped and went the other way, but soon several had ideas of their own and the thing disintegrated.
From the would-be killer's point of view, things were disintegrating rapidly, he thought.
But that thing can snare us and slowly disintegrate us.
It's probable that the whole thing disintegrated on impact, leaving only small fragments.