None of the latter attended the meetings and gradually the whole thing degenerated into a literary circle with relatively small agenda.
Tired and angry, and he just wished that things hadn't degenerated into slaughter so quickly.
And this calm they were experiencing was just a pause before things degenerated to another level.
For them the whole thing had degenerated into a joke.
Now I'm terrified that things could have degenerated so far.
But now things had degenerated beyond even his wildest imaginings.
"And if the two sides aren't talking, as is the case now, then the whole thing degenerates into feuding over turf."
She didn't want to feel grateful that the whole thing hadn't degenerated into something absurd and degrading.
If the entire thing degenerated into an argument, how in the world was that going to make Wesley look to the captain?
The hiring manager came out of his office and broke it up just before things degenerated into a brawl.