The domesticated world they sought for humankind seemed now no more than a thin-shelled egg about to be crushed.
Those females that are born from thin-shelled eggs produce mostly thick-shelled eggs.
Development of embryos in thin-shelled eggs x 1000.
The faeces are sampled and the characteristic ovular, thin-shelled eggs of A. caninum looked for.
The uterus is distended and contains thin-shelled elliptical eggs.
Not having enough of those can cause thin-shelled eggs, lameness, weak bones, etc.
Then he looked down at the first of the thin-shelled eggs, at the black, mantalike shadow inside, and felt his determination waver.
The female lays a clutch of anywhere from two or three to over 30 large, thin-shelled eggs, mostly about 15; usually about a week apart.
DDT, for example, made the birds lay thin-shelled eggs.
There may be problems in egg laying and the production of abnormal or thin-shelled eggs.