After a moment then, the captain discovered that the fog was thinning quickly about them.
The goblin ranks along the eastern wall of St. Belfour quickly thinned.
Paris could feel his air thinning quickly.
He held the boy to his chest and forced his way through the crowd; it thinned quickly as noncombatants fled into the depths of the bunker.
Then he brushed his hair back with his hand, wishing it wasn't thinning quite so quickly.
The voices thinned quickly, though the noise they made grew in desperation, and then abruptly there was silence.
The haze was thinning quickly.
The steam-the hot mist; it'd never been dan- gerous, Tyi realized how-was thinning quickly.
The snow blanketed the pastures, but thinned quickly as they left the Blue Ridge.
The summer months saw a continuous exodus of settlers and the population quickly thinned.