His hand smacked hard into a thin forearm, and closed.
Leaning in the cabin door, Judson tilted the jug of corn across the back of his thin forearm and drained the last of it.
His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, revealing thin forearms, sunburnt on top, fish-belly white on the inner side.
Gently, she grasped her father's thin forearms and raised them high over his head.
Simeon slapped the child's thin forearm to bring up the vein, then drove in the needle.
It was as long as his forearm, thin and black, with two contacts at one end.
I wrapped my hand around that thin forearm and prized it from my neck.
"This is our host," Tynan said, his hand resting lightly on the long, thin forearm of the GenSyn sport.
But it was Stanley who was in the office; thumbing over dockets and invoices with the strong hands that so surprisingly finished off his thin forearms.
A moment came when she had hidden her entire body, puffed up with clothes, behind her thin forearm.