Also, tsunamis usually leave thin sheet-like deposits of sand that do not have the distinct chevron shape.
The spore print may range slightly in color: thin deposits are white, thick deposits are more yellow.
The valley bottoms have a thin deposit of boulder clay.
The conglomerate unit passes laterally and vertically into thin bedded deposits.
She held up her right hand with an Indian silver bangle on it; and sure enough, it was tarnished with a very thin black deposit.
As the flows progressed, they left thinner and thinner deposits, though they often still exceeded 1 meter (3 feet) in thickness.
Decay stage: The protein gel has been eroded to the point where it is a thin deposit.
Such ash forms a progressively thinner deposit as the distance from the site of eruption increases.
Allowed to stand for a while, when poured off, a thin deposit of slime was found on the bottoms of the vessels.
The traps are overlain by thin alluvial deposits along the major rivers.