His long blond hair and flowing beard were dressed with exquisite care in braids and tiny thin curls.
Over the next hour, the destroyed groundcars burned down to their frames until nothing was left but thin curls of smoke and charred turf.
Even at his distance from the structure he was able to see thin curls of smoke issuing from the stone chimney.
The younger one also lacked her mother's abundant hair; instead she had thin curls stuck tight to her scalp as though glued there.
Gilliam looked exhausted but content; sweat ran down his forehead, matting thin dark curls to his face.
A short distance up the valley, toward the west, thin curls of smoke spiraled up into the air.
Cobblestones' hamburgers ($3.95) are served on a toasted roll with thin curls of french fries.
She saw what she expected to see: thin curls of a dull pewterish metal.
Tawny hair, in thin uncared-for curls, fell from under his hunter's cap and over his collar.
Out comes an assistant; the salami is sliced into thin curls and offered around.