Which is kind of true, because even if you have an awesome lock on your door, the thieves can just smash your window.
A $9,000 crocodile suitcase had been stolen the night before when thieves smashed the store's front window.
The thief had taken the picture out of the back of its frame and smashed the frame on the floor.
Listen, George and I saw a thief smash a window coming home from the cinema last night and steal something out of the antique shop.
But yesterday he found the would-be thieves had smashed the door lock in an attempt to break in.
The thieves smashed a window in the gallery late on Sunday and made off with the canvas and its pasted-on bills.
Tudhoe Workingmen's Club was burgled on Saturday night when thieves smashed a window and took £600 cash from a gaming machine.
But she pushed aside her mind-picture of that action, concentrated instead upon the chamber itself-the walls, the crumbling debris of what long ago thieves had smashed.
During the burglary, the thief smashed the heart of the Madonna, her shoulder and various other pieces of glass, Father Giedgaudas said.
Americans have reported break-ins of their rental cars during stops at highway service areas; thieves smash car windows and steal everything inside.