The thief reached in and removed the packaged watches.
Here thieves removed a picture from the wall and police believe they then walked out with it hidden under a long raincoat.
The thieves even removed doors, floorboards - and a toilet.
Had these guardians been murdered where they sat, so that thieves could remove the Loom unchallenged?
Late at night, a thief removes the rocks.
The thieves had damaged the bottom part of the board and removed the entire frame along with the poster.
If you did it only once or twice a thief could remove the leaf and have a new one written.
Startled at Frank's outcry, the thief quickly removed the money and dropped the wallet.
The thieves removed part of the roof to get into the building, and made off with sixteen handguns.
Airbags, however, are easily accessible and an experienced thief can remove an airbag in less than one minute.