You should have a thick syrup that will evenly coat the spoon.
Reduce the heat to medium and cook until the sauce has become the consistency of a thick syrup, about 10 minutes.
Behind her, the forward bulkhead, like thick heavy syrup, began to spill into the room.
A brilliant violet light rises to meet her, turning into a thick sweet syrup.
It was like moving through a stream of thick syrup.
Lower heat, and simmer until mixture is a very thick syrup, about 12 minutes.
The thought came sluggishly, up through a thick syrup of fear.
Bring to the boil, then simmer until the liquid has reduced to a thick syrup.
They moved toward it, walking as if through thick syrup, the tractor boots holding them down.
We added sugar, and all through the hours it boiled down to a thick syrup.