Nick dribbled thick saliva onto the straw at his feet.
Early symptoms of dehydration show itself as thick saliva and urine with an excessively strong and distinct smell.
His mouth was open, saliva thick on his chin; the eyes open and filled with the consuming terror he had known.
A string of thick saliva fell from the side of his open mouth, landing softly on the front of his shirt.
The boy felt his eyes stinging and tried to swallow the thick saliva down as his throat tightened.
Manthara's mouth hung open, trailing a line of thick saliva.
He threw up a mess of green foam and thick saliva that mostly came out in ropes.
The male swift uses thick saliva to construct the white, shiny nest into which two eggs are laid.
Globs of thick saliva slipped through my fingers, as I dropped it in my mouth.