Half of them were down already, and those still upright were mostly staggering or beginning to drool the thick yellow pus from their mouths.
Seven of the Hyksos horses were down already with the thick yellow pus pouring from their mouths and nostrils.
Blood still welled from the cut, but it was mixed with a thick yellow-gray pus.
The lymph nodes are very painful and can take up to ten days to burst and then exude a thick yellow pus.
The thick, creamy pus bubbled out of her nostrils, and I could hear that she was drowning in it.
The nodules suppurate forming abscesses and discharge a thick yellow pus.
Taita stood back as a fountain of dark blood and thick yellow pus erupted from the wound.
And along with the urine came thick yellow pus.
Ford covered his nose and mouth and leaned forward himself, hardly able to believe the quantity of thick, yellow pus pushing through the wired teeth.
The hallmark of these infections is a cherry red color surrounding the lesion and a yellow thick pus.