Later works, often executed in a thick impasto, are abstract compositions with complicated and carefully worked surfaces.
This effect may not make itself manifest for several decades and then mostly affecting thick impasto.
The paintings were bold, applied in a thick impasto with a palette knife, sometimes on coarse feed sacks.
Painted in thick impasto, they have the charming naivete of folk art filtered through a highly developed mind.
And he pointed to a thick impasto of raging waves.
The stained surfaces are buried under brushy pigment often worked up to a thick impasto.
Apparently he did not reline, a process of heavy pressure and heat to flatten the surface, because the paintings sharp edges of thick impasto remain.
This intrusion or invasion into the thick impasto of the declamatory surface is peculiarly poignant and suggestive.
The result is contrasting layers of thick impasto.
It is striking how so many popular artists today eschew the thick impasto of vibrato that was once so common.