The sun burned like brass behind a thick gauze of cloud.
Then the boot caught him in the side and a thick gauze came down over his brain.
A chaplet of large grains hung upon her arm, and her face was covered with a veil of thick black gauze.
Enough light from the intense bulbs penetrated the thick white gauze to make him feel as though he were inside some kind of cottony womb.
Glod and rest of them sounded as if they were talking through a thick gauze.
It wasn't a very thick gauze, Calum noticed: much more transparent than the silks he'd once been dressed in for Uncle Hafiz s benefit.
In a corner of the sickbay, there was the faintest haze... an outline, as if Q were being photographed through a thick gauze.
A band of thick gauze covered the top of his head and it looked as though the hair had been shaven.
The light was the color of dried blood, and as hazy as if filtered through layers of thick gauze.