The female flowers have one stalked ovary, surrounded by a thick fringe of hair.
Think of the 1920's madcap style with a thick fringe of bangs.
The eyes with their thick fringe of eyelashes closed.
Her eyes slid away, shadowed by their thick fringe of black lashes.
I have said that a thick fringe of green overhung the edge of the cliff.
It was skirted beyond by a thick fringe of trees.
Jennifer was a jolly-looking girl, with straight hair cut short, and a thick fringe.
When she continued to regard him through a thick fringe of cinnamon lashes, he knew the greatest urge to kiss her.
Barney glared at his round face with its thick brown fringe of hair, and felt more irritated than ever.
"Say you are not angry," she said, looking up at him from beneath a thick fringe of lashes.